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Life Cykel

Bee Pollen 150g

Bee Pollen 150g

Regular price $24.99 AUD
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    Feel the healing energy of nature flow through you with Life Cykel’s Bee Pollen, a delicious and nutritious addition to your diet.


    • Protection from free radical damage/oxidative stress, high blood lipids, liver disease, various chronic diseases, and type 2 diabetes
    • May lower cholesterol levels (a major heart disease risk factor)
    • Anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing
    • May prevent allergies, boost immune system, and help to kill bacteria
    • May aid in wound healing and help to prevent infections
    • May have anticancer properties (treatment and prevention)
    • May ease menopausal symptoms and promote reproductive health and fertility
    • May improve nutrient utilisation, aid weight loss, and prevent osteoporosis
    • May promote brain health


    100% Australian Bee Pollen.


    Similar to granola or a crunchier version of hemp seeds, you can simply sprinkle your desired amount of bee pollen on top of any of your meals, smoothies, fruit, or desserts to supercharge your dishes.

    Store at room temperature.

    DISCLAIMER: Please note that in rare cases, severe allergic reaction to pollen may be experienced - symptoms such as itching, swelling, shortness of breath or anaphylaxis may be experienced. Those with allergies to bees/bee stings, bee products, and bee pollen should not consume this product. Bee pollen products may also interact negatively with blood thinners, such as warfarin. Pregnant or lactating women may choose to avoid bee pollen products, as the evidence is unclear whether or not bee pollen is safe for babies.

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    Dive deeper into Bee Pollen...

    What is Bee Pollen?

    Bee pollen is a mixture of flower pollen, nectar, enzymes, and wax. When worker/honey bees gather nectar to make honey, flower pollen grains stick to their body parts and are packed together into pellets (naturally granulated) to form bee pollen.

    Bee pollen is known for its high concentration of essential amino acids, mineral content (such as zinc, copper, and iron), and vitamins (such as provitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin B). On top of this, it contains more then 250 biologically active substances, which include proteins, carbs, lipids, fatty acids, enzymes and antioxidants.

    Life Cykel’s Bee Pollen is ethically harvested from Western Australia in pristine, chemical free forests and conservation reserves, which produce spectacular pollen due to their high plant biodiversity.

    Science behind the Benefits

    • Protection from free radical damage/oxidative stress, high blood lipids, liver disease, various chronic diseases, and type 2 diabetes

    Bee pollen is packed with numerous antioxidants, including flavonoids, carotenoids, phenolics, quercetin, kaempferol and agglutination. Studies have shown that the antioxidants contained in bee pollen can reduce chronic inflammation, eliminate harmful bacteria, locate and combat free radicals, fight infections and combat the growth and spread of tumours.

    Our livers are one of our most vital organs and our own personal, in-built filters, as they are responsible for breaking down and removing toxins from your blood. Bee pollen’s antioxidant content may help protect against hepatitis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and drug overdoses, and promote overall liver healing and health.

    Also, high blood lipids are a risk factor for heart disease because when lipids oxidise, they can clump together and form a blockage, restricting our blood vessels. The antioxidants contained in bee pollen may help to prevent lipids from oxidising.

    Bee pollen also has a hypoglycemic or blood glucose lowering effect, and contains polysaccharides that have been shown to alleviate insulin resistance. Together, they can help to prevent and treat type 2 diabetes.

    • May lower cholesterol levels (a major heart disease risk factor)

    Studies have shown that bee pollen can lower blood cholesterol levels - particularly LDL or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, which makes up the majority of cholesterol in our bodies. Excess amounts of LDL can build up on the walls of our blood vessels, causing plaque to form and narrowing those blood vessels over time. In a study conducted on elderly people with shortsightedness caused by clogged/blocked arteries, bee pollen was shown to reduce their blood cholesterol levels and therefore increase their field of vision.

    Bee pollen has also been shown to increase levels of HDL or high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, which helps to remove other forms of cholesterol from our bloodstream and prevent plaque formation.

    • Anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing

    Bee pollen has been used traditionally for its anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling effects, which are due to its phospholipid and unsaturated fatty acid content. It has even been compared to various non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including phenylbutazone, indomethacin, analgin, and naproxen (all of which have side effects, whereas bee pollen does not).

    The flavonoids contained in bee pollen inhibit the enzyme cyclooxygenase and the production of nitric acid, which mediate the inflammatory process. Quercetin, an antioxidant contained in bee pollen, has been known to shown to lower the production of inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids, such as arachidonic acid.

    Similarly, the plant compounds in bee pollen may suppress biological processes that stimulate the production of inflammatory hormones - for example, TNF, or tumour necrosis factor.

    • May prevent allergies, boost immune system, and help to kill bacteria

    Bee pollen has been shown to reduce both the severity and onset of allergies by significantly reducing the activation of mast cells (which, when activated, release chemicals that trigger an allergic reaction or anaphylaxis). The flavonoids present in bee pollen also have anti-allergic potential.

    It has also been shown to possess strong antimicrobial properties, and to kill potentially harmful bacteria - including E. coliSalmonella entericaPseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus (which cause staph infections), Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella sp., E. coli, and Listeria monocytogenes.

    The polysaccharides present in bee pollen help to stimulate the immune system and promote phagocytosis (the engulfing and killing) of antigens and microbes by immune cells. These polysaccharides also increase the proliferation of immune organ cells (which improves their functional capacity) and activate the NK (Natural Killer) cells (which help to kill microbes, cancer cells, and other harmful substances).

    • May aid in wound healing and help to prevent infections

    Bee pollen’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties may promote the process of wound healing. This includes the healing of burn wounds, which are typically treated with silver sulfadiazine; bee pollen, in comparison, causes far fewer side effects.

    It’s antimicrobial properties may also prevent infections, which can compromise the wound healing process for scrapes, cuts, abrasions and burns.

    • May have anticancer properties (treatment and prevention)

    Cancer occurs when cells proliferate abnormally and unchecked (when apoptosis, or the preprogrammed death of cells, doesn’t occur), which causes tumour growth.

    Studies have suggested that the polysaccharides present in bee pollen can inhibit tumour growth and stimulate apoptosis in prostate, colon and leukaemic cancers. Bee pollen can also restrict DNA and gene mutations (which helps to prevent cancer), combat respiratory burst or the rapid and large release of free radicals (which also helps to prevent cancer), inhibit angiogenesis or the formation of new blood vessels that feed cancer cells (which helps to prevent the progression of cancer).

    Bee pollen can also be used as a chemoprotective supplement, as it can reduce the toxicity, chromosomal damage, and adverse effects caused by various anticancer drugs (including mitomycin C, bleomycin, and vincristine).

    Bee pollen - specifically of the cistus (Cistus incanus L.) and white willow (Salix alba L.) varieties - may have anti-oestrogen properties, which may lower the risk of breast, prostate and uterine cancers.

    • May ease menopausal symptoms and promote reproductive health and fertility

    Menopause, the cessation of menstruation in women, often coincides with uncomfortable symptoms including hot flushes, night sweats, mood changes, and sleep disturbances. Studies have shown that bee pollen can reduce menopausal symptoms overall - including reducing the frequency of hot flashes, increasing energy levels and sleep quality, reducing irritability and improving overall mood, and reducing joint pain.

    Studies have also suggested that pregnant women supplementing with bee pollen may experience increased conception rate, milk production, biochemical profile of blood, infant growth and survival rate. Also, it may increase the hemoglobin, protein, iron, and albumin levels of the mother. In foetuses, it may increase body weight and decrease death rate, without affecting foetal development or causing any malformations.

    Please consult your health practitioner before taking bee pollen supplements during pregnancy and lactation, as the studies/evidence are not yet concrete.

    • May improve nutrient utilisation, aid weight loss, and prevent osteoporosis

    Iron deficiency or anaemia is caused by decreased numbers of red blood cells and low hemoglobin levels. Studies have suggested that the vitamin C and bioflavonoids contained in bee pollen will increase the absorption and utilisation of digested iron in iron-deficient/anaemic individuals and increase hemoglobin levels. Bee pollen has also been shown to increase the metabolism of other minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, and thereby help to prevent and treat the adverse effects of iron-deficiency/anaemia in the body.

    • May aid weight loss and muscle growth, and prevent osteoporosis

    Bee pollen may regularise metabolism in diabetic and obese individuals. The polysaccharides contained in bee pollen help to improve insulin function and lipid metabolism, and therefore the efficient utilisation of glucose and triglycerides, which it prevents from being stored as fats. Bee pollen has also been shown to decrease lipid levels and therefore aid in weight loss.

    Bee pollen may help to improve the functioning of the metabolism, and therefore increase the absorption of nutrients. This in turn increases nutrition levels, protein synthesis, and muscle mass/growth.

    Bee pollen can also help to prevent and treat osteoporosis, which is characterised by weak/brittle bones as a result of decreased bone mass and bone formation. It has been shown to stimulate bone formation and increase bone calcium and phosphate levels, which make our bones stronger and reduces bone loss.

    • May promote brain health

    Bee pollen helps with neurotoxicity, or the excessive stimulation of some neurotransmitters in the brain which causes damage to and kills the nerve cells. For example, bee pollen can reverse the effects of glutamate excitotoxicity (the excessive stimulation of glutamate) and impair glutamate function. This may prevent several brain disorders (including autism), and help treat individuals with Syringomyelia as well as neurodegenerative diseases caused by damage of nerve cell coverings (e.g., MS or multiple sclerosis).

    Bee pollen strengthens the brain overall and benefits mental health/mood, and may result in less dependency on anti-depressants and other similar drugs. Nao Li Su, a traditional Chinese medicine, is known to contain bee pollen and has been shown to increase the number of red blood cells in the brain and improve memory.

    By improving the supply of blood to the nervous system and promoting a healthy stress response, bee pollen can also help to strengthen the nerve cells which get weakened by stress and toxins.

    Ingredient Breakdown

    Simply 100% Australian Bee Pollen. That's it!