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Life Cykel

Reishi Mushroom Extract

Reishi Mushroom Extract

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    The Reishi mushroom (Japanese) or the ‘10,00 year-old mushroom’ - also known scientifically as Ganoderma lucidum, or Ling Zhi in Chinese - has been used for many millennia in Asian cultures, as well as in traditional Chinese and holistic medicine as an adaptogenic herb. A distinctively red and woody mushroom that grows from the side of hardwood trees, it is regarded as a symbol of health, longevity, success and divine power. It is rightfully nicknamed “king of mushrooms/herbs” and remains one of the very few substances that deserves the name of superfood.

    The Reishi mushroom contains many bioactive compounds such as:

    • Triterpenoids (a type of ganoderic acid) —> suppresses the body’s allergy response and histamine reactions; anti-tumour and metastases-inhibiting (and therefore anti-cancer) by way of limiting the bonding of cancerous cells to endothelial cells; provides protection against microbial, viral, and fungal infections
    • Beta-glucans —> plant sterols that act as precursors to hormones in our bodies; anti-cancer by way of blocking the growth and spread of cancer cells and increasing the immune system activity; anti-ageing
    • Polysaccharides —> anti-tumour (and therefore anti-cancer) as well as immune-modulating (protective of DNA while preventing cell mutations and preserving healthy cells); antioxidant, neuroprotective, radio-protective, anti-diabetes, anti-osteoporosis, and anti-fatigue; great for longevity and anti-ageing
    • Amino acids —> the building blocks of proteins, essential for numerous biological processes and functions

    Nicknamed the “Zen/Sleep Mushroom”, Reishi is particularly potent when used for sleep support in general, due to its relaxing or soothing nature. It may help to optimise REM sleep, and may help alleviate the symptoms of insomnia, sleep apnea and other sleep disorders.

    Reishi mushroom extract is a great addition to your evening wind-down routine, and can even be taken before a yoga or meditation practice.


    • Infused with Australian native Kakadu Plum - high antioxidant profile; highest vitamin C content gram for gram than any other fruit in the world
    • Supports sleep (especially for those with insomnia, sleep apnea, and other sleep disorders)
    • Supports cognitive function (including focus and mental clarity)
    • Supports liver function and heart health
    • Enhances blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol control
    • Helps with depleted energy levels
    • Helps with hormonal imbalances
    • Immune boosting
    • High antioxidant profile
    • Improves overall circulation
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Anti-cancer, anti-proliferative, and chemo-preventive
    • Alleviates symptoms of fatigue, stress, anxiety, and depression
    • Helps to prevent and treat autoimmune disease, diabetes, heart disease, asthma, allergies, digestive and skin problems, and infections
    • May help with damaged blood vessels


    Ingredients: Distilled Water, Organic Alcohol (20-24%), Ganoderma lucidium (Ganoderma lucidium Mycelial Biomass, Ganoderma lucidium Fruiting Body), Natural Wild Harvested Kakadu Plum.

    Third party lab tested, full spectrum, 8 expert Life Cykel scientists, superior bioavailability, non-GMO, gluten free, vegan. Grown, made, and packed in Australia and the USA.


    To supplement, simply add between 1/2 a dropper (1ml) and 2ml of the liquid double extract directly to your drink of choice, hot or cold.

    As the Reishi mushroom is relaxing in its nature, we recommend supplementing with it in the evening or 2 hours before bed.

    Store in a cool, dry place.

    DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the Therapeutic Goods of Australia. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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